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Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist. Avoid taking simultaneously with prescription drugs.

Ingredients -

Echinacea purpurea bio, Echinacea angustifolia bio, Guimauve bio, Molène bio, Plantain lancéolé bio; glycérine bio, HE sapin beaumier bio

Instructions -

Dilute in a mouthful of water.
Take 15 to 30 minutes before meals.

Dosage -

Toddler under 2 years
Consult a health care practitioner.
Children 2-4 years
0.5 ml, 3 times per day.
Children 5-9 years
0.75 ml, 3 times per day.
Adolescent 10-14 years
1.5 ml, 3 times per day.
3 ml, 3 times per day.
